Draw the symbol somewhere visible.
Look for opportunities to talk about it.
Go deeper. We can help.
Share a photo of the 3 lines symbol on social media using the hashtag #athirdofus.
It starts with awareness. Nothing will happen if no one knows. But awareness is only the first step. In our FREE action guide you’ll learn more about the unreached and get specific ways you can take action to bring the gospel to them.
The Alliance for the Unreached believes that until Christians become aware that almost a third of the world’s population is denied access to the gospel of Jesus Christ, we will continue to see their ranks grow, as they do today, by tens of thousands every single day.
A group of like-minded organizations, passionately committed to seeing this trend reversed, formed The Alliance to raise awareness among American Christians about this tragic reality. We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization.
The Alliance for the Unreached has declared Pentecost Sunday each year as the International Day for the Unreached — a day of building awareness for the unreached. Each year the activities planned are different, but the goal is the same—to rally as many people as possible to spread the word as far as possible so that as many Christians as possible become aware that a third of the people on earth are denied access to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We’d love to see many churches get involved in bringing greater awareness for the third of the world who are denied access to Jesus.
We’ve developed a special Church Kit to provide resources to help make it easier.
Our Family Guide makes it easy for kids and families to learn about and get engaged in helping to reach the unreached.
The Alliance for the Unreached is united in a vision to bring the Good News of Jesus to every people group that has limited or no access. Each Alliance member has a unique and important role: some in Bible translation, some in church planting, others in community discipleship, media technology, teaching, evangelism, or even helping Christians pursue their careers overseas.